Wouldn't go there even when I was still in. We went to Newburgh, NY instead.
This past weekend was my former cong's turn in Trenton. From the posts I'm seeing, it was the best ever!!
i'm hearing about 5,900 in attendance/37 baptized...
Wouldn't go there even when I was still in. We went to Newburgh, NY instead.
This past weekend was my former cong's turn in Trenton. From the posts I'm seeing, it was the best ever!!
i heard the crap, smurfs were magical evil creatures.
i saw in the 80s kids parents get talked to because of the kids having one or pjs with smurfs on them but other than the urban meme where did this come from?
was there anything printed about it?
Oh gosh. . . .I was floored when I first came to this site and saw the Smurf stories. I had always thought it was just a local thing.
I remember our CO (Robert Hahn) talking about Smurfs and My Little Pony in the 80s. He even told the congregation about a demon possessed My Little Pony that raped a little witness girl.
What a fucked up world we grew up in!
@dubstepped - you are dead on as far as "courtesy laughter"; but a quick counterpoint to your point on CO sports:
Around 2000 we had a CO -- Bill Adams -- who was over 6ft and liked to play basketball. At the time, we had been playing b-ball at the local court pretty frequently, and when he found out, he wanted in. So we meet up, form teams and start playing. . . and of course everyone is tripping around the CO like he's Jesus or something. But he starts getting aggressive -- really aggressive! -- and scoring tons of points. So we actually let him have it -- enough of that! I might be misremembering this, but I believe it was at that game that one of the other elders playing got his nose broken (not by the CO).
i have been invited to speak at an international cultic studies association workshop this fall.
i could use your help in focusing on my presentation subject.. these workshops are for former members of any cult or other high-control, authoritarian group, not just jehovah's witnesses.
last year, i spoke at one of their larger conferences in europe.
Based on my own experience, I would put #5 Discovering Your Authentic Self - (personal identity) at the top of the list. After waking up, I remember thinking: Now that I don’t picture myself in “the New System" in the next 5-10 years, where will I be? What do I believe? What do I know? How do I know what I know? What am going to do with the rest of my life? What are my goals?
I'm not a clinical or personality psychologist, but I also think #6 Dealing With Isolation and Loneliness (shunning) is closely related to #5. You might be able combine these and frame it as an interior/exterior thing: who we are is often as much the people around us as who we are “inside." Losing everyone around you can certainly make you feel as though you’ve been stripped of your real/authentic self/identity
Besides #5 and #6, I think it’s really important to mention #4 too. I went to a psychologist who specializes in abuse/PTSD/dissociative disorders for about 18 months and it helped immeasurably. Probably good at least to mention the importance of a good counselor no matter what other points you decide to discuss.
Hope this helps!
were are they now and what position are they in.. lets do a running count.. c.o.b.e was interfering with his daughter,d.f,reinstated died in good standing.. branch oveersear multiple young children d.f,reinstated in good standing.. publisher interfeared with small child in the k.h d.f not sure were he is.. publisher sexually abused 3 relatives no action taken in good standing.. current elder raped his sister years ago little action taken was not an elder at the time.. publisher sexualy abused young girl d.f,reinstater now in good standing.. m.s multiple young girls d.f,died trying to get reinstated.. so thats 7.. karter..
And it never once even occurred to these geniuses that doing nothing wouldn't "bring reproach on Jehovah's name"?
I was an elder in the "sister congregation" (shared the same hall) when this went down. . . talked/ranted AT LENGTH about this with one of the elders on the comittee. . . made it quite clear that not DF-ing this sicko was absolutely insane. He basically said, Don't worry that he's not DF'd; he'll be in federal prison in a couple of months anyway.
Again, thank goodness for Satan's evil system.
were are they now and what position are they in.. lets do a running count.. c.o.b.e was interfering with his daughter,d.f,reinstated died in good standing.. branch oveersear multiple young children d.f,reinstated in good standing.. publisher interfeared with small child in the k.h d.f not sure were he is.. publisher sexually abused 3 relatives no action taken in good standing.. current elder raped his sister years ago little action taken was not an elder at the time.. publisher sexualy abused young girl d.f,reinstater now in good standing.. m.s multiple young girls d.f,died trying to get reinstated.. so thats 7.. karter..
1) Personally know this piece of filth:
Last I heard he was DF'd for boinking a sister, but is trying to come back. He sure loves Jehovah!
2) Also know a MS who worked as a school bus driver and was distributing child pornography. Got nailed by the FBI and sent to prison for a few years.
What did the elders do?
At the time, watching porn was not a disfellowshippable offense, probably one of the reasons why the Borg changed the rules on porn (no "abhorrent" forms of porn).
Thank god that Satan's evil system protects children! Jehovah's org doesn't give a shit.
trump’s state department is having all sorts of religions and groups from around the world meet for discussions on how to insure that they have freedoms.. i wonder if jehovah’s witnesses will be there..
How about that. . . link to Breitbart article:
his city seems pretty dangerous especially since he has taken over and of course he just loves trump.
lol .
I don't know if he's doing a good job or not, but I think his statement that 'living with terrorism is part of living in a big city' is probably the worst statement about terrorism made by a politician since Bush told terrorists to "bring it on" after 911.
in 2 weeks we will be announcing major changes in northern ohio congregations and there is quite the buzz in the area about it.
just talked to a jdub from the detroit area that just underwent similar changes, and they mentioned it has been "quite exciting" to get to meet new brothers and sisters.
so besides the cash benefit of selling a couple kingdom halls in the process.
"It's not a bug. . . it's and undocumented feature!"
This is the kind of "reasoning" the WT is flooding adherents with right now.
No, the KH sell off isn't simply the result of: poor financial decisions at headquarters; publishers who are piss poor because higher education is discouraged; people in first-world countries are able to Google JWs and the whole thing is slowly collapsing financially.
No, that's not what's happening at all. Consolidating congregations and selling off halls is jehovah's latest new "feature"/"blessing."
simon, is it possible to add an "underline" button to the available options?.
thanks again for this site!.
. . . . Have you ever wondered what the future will be for you and your family? Does it promise riches or ruin, love or loneliness? Will you live a long life, or will your life be cut short? People have speculated about such questions for thousands of years.. . . .
Look! I studied my Watchtower!